English Language Arts Curriculum


Course Purpose:

Students will apply print concepts and foundational skills to learn how to read and write. Students will compose complete sentences with proper, simple grammar.

Outcome #



Students will distinguish between the author and illustrator, show parts of a fiction book with a product that asks and answers questions to clarify unknown words. 


Students will distinguish between the author and illustrator, show parts of a nonfiction book by creating a product to ask and answer questions to clarify unknown words. 


Students will apply phonemic awareness skills to read a story, identify story elements, key details, and retell by answering questions with prompting and support.


Students will analyze nonfiction texts to identify key details and determine the connection between two pieces of information in an effort to create a  presentation that answers a question. 


Students will produce informative writing using key details from grade level text to compare the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear. 


Students will collaborate with peers to compare and contrast factual research and produce opinion writing


Students will apply phonemic awareness to learn to identify and print all letters.


Students will apply phonemic awareness and phonics skills to read grade level words and texts. 


Students will construct writing that includes proper use of English grammar conventions when responding to a text. 


Students will use word relationships, phrases,  inflections, and affixes to determine the meanings of words.