Pennoyer School Emergency Closing Information

Pennoyer School District # 79 makes every effort to plan for emergency school closing while working toward maximizing the number of days that students receive instruction on the originally adopted school calendar.

Critical factors considered include: Direction from the public health department or state agencies, travel conditions of area streets, and the likelihood of dangerously unsafe environments.

When emergency conditions threatens, district staff work with Township High School District 207 (Maine South), Norwood Park Township Schools, and other neighboring school districts to begin planning a response during the night with the goal of finalizing a plan by early the next morning.

Two options are considered:

  • Canceling attendance at all schools and adding an additional day of attendance at the end of the school year or on a previously scheduled holiday.
  • Conduct eLearning days when possible. 

Every effort will be made to maintain school on a normal schedule. When it appears that parking lots and streets cannot be cleared to allow for safe bus and car travel, school will be canceled.

The most reliable sources of information for District families are the Pennoyer School District # 79 website, the automated telephone calling system, and the emergency closing center website:

Parents must update emergency alert information on an annual basis and whenever personal information is outdated - speak with the school office staff to be sure your information is up to date.