Student Council

What is Student Council?
Student Council is a group of student representatives who attend 2 meetings per month to share ideas, interests, and concerns with their fellow students, teachers, and principal. At the meetings we discuss these concerns, other ideas, and plan events for the students. Representatives may be asked to collect ideas from their classmates or report important information to the student body. In the past, we’ve hosted fundraisers, spirit weeks, spirit competitions, reading events, door decorating contests, and glove drives, to name a few! Each year presents us with an opportunity to make Pennoyer School an even more awesome place to be.
Who Can Join?
4th - 8th graders serve as classroom representatives.
Are There Any Requirements to be a Member?
- An application must be completed and students will be notified if they are chosen to be a classroom representative.
- Members are role models and must always be responsible, respectful, and problem solvers. If any member receives a Skyward referral, or is reported to display unexpected behaviors, they may need to conference with a student council sponsor before they are permitted to participate.
- Academics are very important, and because of this, any students whose grades are low due to lack of effort or missing assignments will not be able to participate in Student Council meetings/activities until grades are brought up or assignments are turned in.
When & Where?
We meet in Room 220 7:45-8:05. (Thursday-dates are listed below.)
*Because this is such a big job and there is a lot to get done, a student council member who is late more than 3 times or misses more than 3 morning meetings without a parent email to explain tardiness/absence will be relieved of their Student Council duties.
- October 13 & 27
- November 10 & 17
- December 1 &15
- January 12 & 26
- February 9 & 23
- March 9 & 23
- April 6 & 20
- May 4
Sponsor Information
Ms.Kopoulos - | Room 220
Mrs. Kafka - | Room 222