Social Studies Curriculum

8th Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will critique significant global historical events in United States history in order to develop claims on societal issues.

Outcomes and Components:

SS.8.6 Students will investigate the atrocities of genocide through use of various sources.




Component Code



  SS.8.6.1 Identify evidence about genocide from multiple sources to support claims, noting their limitations to include, but not limited to the Holocaust, Darfur, Rwandan, Ukranian, Armenian, and Native American.


105 ILCS 5/27-20.3

  SS.8.6.2 Classify the 8 stages of genocide by evaluating the validity of claims made in historical sources representende by a varety of perspective to describe the possible or actual impact(s) of the sources on audiences, and determine uses and applications.


105 ILCS 5/27-20.3

  SS.8.6.3 Compare and contrast the central historical arguments of genocide in secondary works across multiple media. SS.6-8.H.4.MdC

Academic Vocabulary: Identify, compare, classify

Content Vocabulary: Genocide, victim, bystander, euthanasia, ghetto, anti-semetic, Auschwitz, Tutsi, Hutu, Holodomor, Janjaweed, Darfur, Kristalnacht, Khmer Rogue