Social Studies Curriculum

8th Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will critique significant global historical events in United States history in order to develop claims on societal issues.

Outcomes and Components:

SS.8.5 Students will investigate the relationship of the United States to other countries in order to explain how conflicts arise.




Component Code



  SS.8.5.1 Explain the differences between correlation and causation and the multiple causes and effects of conflicts in the 20th century. SS.6-8.H.4.LC
  SS.8.5.2 Explain barriers to trade and embargoes and how they influence trade among nations. SS.6-8.EC.3.MdC
  SS.8.5.3 Detect possible biases and limitations in the historical record based on evidence collected from different kinds of historical sources (by identifying the author, purpose, funding/ source, type of publication/ outlet, intended audience, etc.) related to various conflicts. SS.6-8.H.3.MdC

Academic Vocabulary: explain, analyze, identify

Content Vocabulary: embargoes, bureaucracies, isolationism, Lend Lease Act