Social Studies Curriculum

8th Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will critique significant global historical events in United States history in order to develop claims on societal issues.

Outcomes and Components:


Students will analyze the contributions made by individuals and groups of women to gain the right to vote and the struggles they and other groups faced to be treated equally. 




Component Code



  SS.8.2.1 Identify contributions made by women to include government, the arts, sciences, education, and in the economic cultural and political development of Illinois and the United States. 



  SS.8.2.2 Examine the struggles women faced to gain the right to vote and be treated equally. 105ILCS5/27-20.5
  SS.8.2.3 Compare the means by which women change societies, promote the common good, and protect, grant or deny rights.. SS.6-8.CV.3.LC, MdC, MC
  SS.8.2.4 Assess individual and collective capacities of women to take action to address problems and identify potential outcomes. SS.6-8.IS.8.MdC
  SS.8.2.5 Evaluate alternative approaches or solutions to current economic issues in terms of benefits and costs for different groups and society as a whole. SS.6-8.EC.1.MC

Academic Vocabulary:  identify, examine, compare, assess, evaluate

Content Vocabulary: disenfranchised, suffrage, feminist, 19th Amendment, philanthropy, abolitionist