Social Studies Curriculum

7th Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will evaluate rules and laws at municipal, state, and federal levels in order to examine their societal impact and take action within our community.

Outcomes and Components:

SS.7.5 Students will investigate arguments and explanations in order to create action plans within our school and community.




Component Code



  SS.7.5.1 Construct explanations using reasoning, correct sequence, examples and details while acknowledging their strengths and weaknesses. SS.6-8.IS.6.MdC
  SS.7.5.2 Critique the structure and credibility of arguments and explanations (e.g. self and others).



  SS.7.5.3 Conduct research on a given topic within our school and community. LA.7.4
  SS.7.5.4 Apply a range of deliberative and democratic procedures to make decisions and create a plan to take action in schools and community contexts. SS.6-8.IS.8.MC
  SS.7.5.5 Determine the value and credibility of sources by evaluating their relevance, origin, authority, context and intendend use.



  SS.7.5.6 Present arguments and explanations that would appeal to audiences and venues outside of the classroom, using a variety of media. SS.6-8.IS.6.MC

Academic Vocabulary: Construct, reasoning, critique, research, apply, create

Content Vocabulary: Develop claims, action plan, subject specific per students based on topic