Social Studies Curriculum

7th Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will evaluate rules and laws at municipal, state, and federal levels in order to examine their societal impact and take action within our community.

Outcomes and Components:

SS.7.2 Students will analyze the origins, purposes, and principles of the United States Constitution as our plan of government and patriotism.




Component Code



  SS.7.2.1 Explain the origins and laws governing the United States flag and The Pledge of Allegiance. 105.IL.CS5\27.3
  SS.7.2.2 Analyze the development of the ideas and principles of self-government contained in the founding documents of the United States and other countries, and explain how they influence the social and political system.




  SS.7.2.3 Describe the origins, purposes, perspectives, and impact of governing documents and policies (e.g., U.S. Constitution, Illinois Constitution, laws, treaties, and international agreements) and synthesize their application and impacts on multiple groups of people with how they have changed over time.




  SS.7.2.4 Explain the origins, functions, and structure of government with reference to the U.S. Constitution and other systems of government and how they have impacted multiple groups of people.



  SS.7.2.6 Explain the importance of the Congressional Medal of Honor (to include viewing of the mandated film). 105 ILCS 5/27.3.5
  SS.7.2.7 Evaluate and critique deliberative processes regarding the development and application of governing documents and policies and how they have changed over time. SS.6-8.CV.5.MC
  SS.7.2.8 Explain how granting rights for individuals or communities does not reduce the ability of other individuals or communities to exercise the same rights and evaluate how efforts to maintain systems or initiate change within societies have worked for or against the benefit or oppression of multiple groups. SS.6-8.CV.4.MC

Academic Vocabulary: explain, describe,apply, analyze, critique

Content Vocabulary: legislative, executive, judicial, treasury, interior, ratification, domestic, tranquility, posterity, Congressional Medal of Honor, preamble, compromise