Social Studies Curriculum

5th Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will analyze the historical relationship between the United States and other nations.

Outcomes and Components:

SS.5.5 Students will relate the characteristics of our nation’s economy to the world.




Component Code



  SS.5.5.1 Analyze why and how individuals, business, and nations around the world specialize and trade. SS.5.EC.1
  SS.5.5.2 Assess how positive incentives (eg. sale prices and earning money) and negative incentives influence behavior in our nation’s economy and around the world.  SS.5.EC.2
  SS.5.5.3 Explain that interest is the price the borrower pays for using someone else’s money. SS.5.EC.FL.4

Academic Vocabulary: Cause, effect, predict, hypothesis , outcome, text support, evidence, evaluate, analyze, claim

Content Vocabulary:  Export, import, good, service, economy, trade, domestic, foreign, embargo, tariff, positive incentive, negative incentive, economic incentive, interest