Social Studies Curriculum

1st Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will apply inquiry skills in order to evaluate how people live, learn, and work together. 

Outcomes and Components:


Students will analyze financial and economic decisions and evaluate the skills and knowledge needed to produce goods and services in exchange for work.




Component Code



  SS.1.3.1 Analyze choices to explain that when choices are prioritized, something has to be given up. SS.1.EC.1
  SS.1.3.2 Describe the skills and knowledge required to produce certain goods and services. SS.1.EC.2
  SS.1.3.3 Explain how people earn pay or income in exchange for work. SS.1.EC.FL.3

Academic Vocabulary: Analyze, describe, explain

Content Vocabulary: Need, want, choice, priority, goods, services, producer, consumer, price, earn, job, pay, skill, income