Social Studies Curriculum

1st Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will apply inquiry skills in order to evaluate how people live, learn, and work together. 

Outcomes and Components:


Students will analyze how a community works together and utilize maps to compare and contrast communities near and far.




Component Code



  SS.1.1.1 Identify and explain how rules function in various settings, to include school, home, and our community.  
  SS.1.1.2 Explain how all community members work together to make important decisions and the effect the decisions have on a variety of communities. SS.1.CV.1
  SS.1.1.3 Describe how human activities affect the cultural and environmental characteristics of places or regions, with guidance and support. SS.1.G.2
  SS.1.1.4 Compare how people in different types of communities use local and worldwide environments to meet their daily needs. SS.1.G.1
  SS.1.1.5 Construct and interpret print and digital maps and other cultural representations of familiar places, with guidance and support. SS.1.G.1

Academic Vocabulary: analyze, identify, investigate, construct

Content Vocabulary: maps, cultural, rules, community, environmental