Science Curriculum

7th Grade

Course Purpose:

Seventh grade students will apply earth/space science, life science, and physical science principles to precisely define the world they see.

Outcomes and Components:

SC.7.6 Students will characterize the relationship between potential and kinetic energy and describe how it is expressed in observed motion, speed, and acceleration.




Component Code



  SC.7.6.1 Identify various forms of potential energy (elastic, gravity, static). MS-PS3-2
  SC.7.6.2 Define potential energy and model how interacting objects at different distances change the potential energy stored in that system. MS-PS3-2
  SC.7.6.3 Mathematically model and describe the relationship between speed, mass, and kinetic energy.



  SC.7.6.4 Relate kinetic energy to everyday activities (roller coasters, falling objects, hockey, marbles). MS-PS3-1
  SC.7.6.5 Describe and model the changes and relationship between kinetic energy and potential energy in a pendulum. MS-PS3-2
  SC.7.6.6 Describe the transfer of kinetic energy into thermal energy and/or sound. MS-PS3-5

Academic Vocabulary:  Identify, compare, contrast, define, relate, differentiate, model, transfer

Content Vocabulary: kinetic energy, potential energy, energy, gravitational potential energy, mechanical energy, internal kinetic energy, external kinetic energy of a pendulum, thermal energy, work, law of conservation of energy, pendulum