Science Curriculum

7th Grade

Course Purpose:

Seventh grade students will apply earth/space science, life science, and physical science principles to precisely define the world they see.

Outcomes and Components:

SC.7.4 Students will compare the creation, availability, use, and impact of renewable and nonrenewable energy resources. 




Component Code



  SC.7.4.1 Define natural resource and describe the human impact on it and the earth’s environment. MS-ESS3-3
  SC.7.4.2 Describe renewable and non-renewable resources and alternative options. MS-ESS3-4
  SC.7.4.3 Compare and contrast the consumption of natural resources and its effect on the environment. MS-ESS3-3
  SC.7.4.4 Model overpopulation of humans on the planet Earth. MS-ESS3-4
  SC.7.4.5 Determine how properties of natural and synthetic substances serve particular functions. MS-PS1-3
  SC.7.4.6 Evaluate natural and synthetic substances to determine usefulness. MS-PS1-3

Academic Vocabulary:  Describe, compare, contrast, model, analyze, formulate,

Content Vocabulary: renewable resource, non-renewable resource, fossil fuel, energy resource, nuclear energy, electric energy, biomass, geothermal energy, energy from water, wind energy, pollutant pollution, radioactive waste, alien, overpopulation, biodiversity, deforestation, biodegradable, conservation, climate change, Extinction, recycling, resource recovery, toxic