Music Curriculum

8th Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will compose more complex pieces of music and make connections between present day music and fundamental American musical genres.

Outcomes and Components:

FA.8M.7 Students will use a digital audio workstation (DAW), to create a musical work in standard pop song form.




Component Code



  FA.8M.7.1 Identify the components of a standard pop song (e.g intro, verse, chorus, bridge, outro). MU:Re7.2.8a,
  FA.8M.7.2 Choose a pop song and present about its structure, both musically and lyrically. MU:Re7.2.8a
  FA.8M.7.3 Create a composition outline. MU:Cr3.1.8a
  FA.8M.7.4 Compose a musical work in standard pop song form using DAW software (e.g. BandLab, Garageband, Soundtrap).


MU:Cr2.1.7b, MU:Cr.2.1.7b

  FA.8M.7.5 Evaluate classmate’s compositions using a teacher-provided rubric. MU:Cr3.1.8a, MU:Cr3.2.8a

Academic Vocabulary: Identify, Choose, Create, Compose, Evaluate

Content Vocabulary: Cover Song, Origins, Structure, Function