Music Curriculum

3rd Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will engage in the practice and preparation of music, with guidance, on the recorder and master more complicated folk and cultural dances.

Outcomes and Components:

 FA.3M.6 (Class Songs) Students will use analysis and performance of classroom songs to describe, create, and perform a do-based and la-based pentatonic scale and various do-based and la-based pentatonic songs, alone and as a canon/round/partner song.




Component Code



  FA.3M.6.1 Identify and perform the composition of a pentatonic scale, vocally and on instruments. MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Cr4.2.3b
  FA.3M.6.2 Engage in group song activities written on a pentatonic scale. MU:Pr6.1.3a
  FA.3M.6.3 Engage in song activities in canon/round form. MU:Pr6.1.3a
  FA.3M.6.4 Engage in song activities in partner song form. MU:Pr6.1.3a
  FA.3M.6.5 Differentiate between canons, rounds, and partner songs. MU:Pr4.2.3a
  FA.3M.6.6 Differentiate, verbally and on instruments, between do-based pentatonic scales and la-based pentatonic scales. MU:Pr4.2.3a

Academic Vocabulary: Identify, Engage, Differentiate

Content Vocabulary: Tempo, Dynamic, Rhythm, Meter