Music Curriculum

3rd Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will engage in the practice and preparation of music, with guidance, on the recorder and master more complicated folk and cultural dances.

Outcomes and Components:

FA.3M.1 Students will play a basic pentatonic scale (D, E, G, A, B), improvised, and written music on a soprano recorder with proper technique.




Component Code



  FA.3M.1.1 Identify and describe the parts and construction of the recorder.  
  FA.3M.1.2 Identify and demonstrate proper fingering and playing technique, both verbally and physically. MU:Pr6.1.3a
  FA.3M.1.3 Identify and demonstrate a pentatonic scale (D, E, G, A, B) on a recorder, verbally and physically. MU:Cr4.2.3b
  FA.3M.1.4 Create and improvise 4-8 beat phrases using the pentatonic scale on recorder. MU:Cr1.1.3a, MU:Cr1.1.3b, MU:Cr2.1.3b
  FA.3M.1.5 Play and practice a teacher-assigned piece of music on the recorder.

MU:Cr4.2.3b, MU:Pr4.2.3a


Academic Vocabulary: Play, Create, Identify, Demonstrate, Describe

Content Vocabulary: Recorder, Steady Beat, Rhythm, Pentatonic Scale, Improvisation