Music Curriculum

2nd Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will engage in aspects of standard musical notation and composition and make connections between music, culture, and dance.

Outcomes and Components:

FA.2M.2 Students will analyze the instrumental makeup and historical background of a variety of works by different composers.




Component Code



  FA.2M.2.1 Perform teacher-guided movement activities to music by a variety of composers.

PE:19.A.1a, PE:19.A.1b,


  FA.2M.2.2 Analyze the music for the instrumental makeup, aurally identifying various instruments. MU:Re.7.2.1a
  FA.2M.2.3 Debate the rationale behind the composer’s instrumental choices. MU:Re7.1.2a
  FA.2M.2.4 Create listening maps of various musical pieces, using iconic notation to indicate the work’s instrumental structure. MU:Pr.4.2.3a
  FA.2M.2.5 Identify instruments that are common to particular time periods (e.g. harpsichord, electric guitar) MU:Pr4.1.2a

Academic Vocabulary: Create, Identify, Debate, Analyze, Perform

Content Vocabulary: Instrument Groups, Composer, Iconic Notation