Music Curriculum

1st Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will engage in the basics of musical notation and composition on a variety of instruments, and investigate how personal choices help create musical ideas.

Outcomes and Components:

FA.1M.4 Students will prepare and perform, vocally and instrumentally,  a variety of age and range-appropriate music from various cultures and traditions, with guidance, for an audience of peers, friends, and families.




Component Code



  FA.1M.4.1 Perform the melody and rhythms of selected songs. MU.Pr6.1.1a, MU:Pr5.1.1b
  FA.1M.4.2 Discuss and analyze lyrics and spoken parts. MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr5.1.1a, MU:Pr5.1.1b
  FA.1M.4.3 Perform instrument parts, where appropriate. MU: Pr6.1.1a
  FA.1M.4.4 Identify appropriate stage/audience behavior MU:Pr6.1.1b
  FA.1M.4.5 Make connections between concert/audience behavior and lived experiences MU:Pr6.1.1b

Academic Vocabulary:  Perform, Identify, Make, Discuss

Content Vocabulary: Melody, Rhythm, Breath Support