Music Curriculum

1st Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will engage in the basics of musical notation and composition on a variety of instruments, and investigate how personal choices help create musical ideas.

Outcomes and Components:

FA.1M.3 Students will improvise, compose, and perform, using both standard and non-standard notation, musical and rhythmic phrases of various lengths, including known rhythms, half note/rest, and solfege syllables (sol, mi, and la).




Component Code



  FA.1M.3.1 Engage in group activities that use musical selections primarily composed of sol, la, and mi. MU:Pr6.1.1a
  FA.1M.3.2 Identify and demonstrate the Curwen hand signs for sol, mi, and la. MU:Pr.4.3.1a
  FA.1M.3.3 Perform different rhythmic and melodic patterns using sol, mi, and la vocally and on various instruments. MU:Pr.4.2.1b
  FA.1M.3.4 Create and perform 4-8 beat melodic phrases with sol, mi, and la, using both digital and physical methods.

MU:Cr2.1.1b, MU:Cr3.1.1a


Academic Vocabulary: Create, Engage, Perform, Identify, Demonstrate

Content Vocabulary: Hand Signs, Solfege, Melody