Health/Physical Education Curriculum

5th Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will set individual fitness goals, and use positive decision making skills to understand how outside factors can affect their personal health.

Outcomes and Components:


Students will perform and analyze movement skills and sport-specific concepts in a safe environment with guidance and support.




Component Code



  HPE.5.1.1 Evaluate the development of complex skills with the use of technology and guidance and support. PE 19.A.3a
  HPE.5.1.2 Distinguish between zone and man defense as well as various offensive strategies. PE 19.C.2b
  HPE.5.1.3 Generate classroom rules as well as sport-specific rules on fair play to promote a safe environment. PE 19.C.3a

Academic Vocabulary: perform, analyze, evaluate, distinguish, generate

Content Vocabulary: zone, man-to-man, offense, defense, strategy, sportsmanship