Health/Physical Education Curriculum

3rd Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will participate in moderate to vigorous individual and group activities using complex movement patterns while demonstrating sportsmanship.

Outcomes and Components:


Students will examine the impact of prolonged physical activity and healthy eating habits on life-long wellness.




Component Code



  HPE.3.3.1 Identify stages in growth and development (e.g., stages in the life cycle from infancy to old age).

PE 23.C.2b


105 ILCS 5/27-9.2

  HPE.3.3.2 Determine strategies for early detection and prevention of illness(e.g., practicing cleanliness, making healthy food choices, understanding the importance of immunizations, and regular health screenings).

PE 22.A.2a,

PE 22.A.2b


105 ILCS 5/27-11

  HPE.3.3.3 Differentiate key elements of a decision making process, and justify the importance of necessary refusal skills.

PE 24.B.2a,

PE 24.C.2a

Academic Vocabulary: examine, identify, determine, differentiate

Content Vocabulary: life cycle, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age, illness, immunizations, medicine, healthy, unhealthy