Health/Physical Education Curriculum

1st Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will demonstrate fundamental locomotor movements and model safe, responsible choices.

Outcomes and Components:


Students will analyze how positive health choices can reduce risk personally and in the community.




Component Code



  HPE.1.3.1 Sort positive and negative choices that affect personal health (e.g., eating habits, wearing sunscreen, and wearing a helmet). PE 23.B.1a
  HPE.1.3.2 Determine dangerous situations and safety methods to reduce risks (e.g., traffic, improper use of medicine, poisons, and strangers).

PE 24.B.1a,

PE 22.A.1c


105 ILCS 5/27-11

105 ILCS 5/27-23.11

  HPE.1.3.3 Describe the role of community workers that contribute to health and safety. PE 22.A.1c

Academic Vocabulary: analyze, sort, determine, describe

Content Vocabulary:  personal health, safety, risk, medicine, poison, stranger, community, helmet, sunscreen, community workers, food groups, vegetables,fruit, grains, milk and dairy products, protein