Art Curriculum

8th Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will design, revise, and present artwork that displays their personal voice, as well as evaluate collections of artwork created by others. 

Outcomes and Components:

 FA.8A.2 Students will examine, evaluate, and present collections artwork created by themselves and others.




Component Code



  FA.8A.2.1 Select, organize, and design images and words to make visually compelling presentations. VA:Cr2.3.8
  FA.8A.2.2 Develop and apply criteria for evaluating a presentation of artwork. VA:Pr4.1.8
  FA.8A.2.3 Analyze why and how an exhibition or collection may influence ideas, beliefs, and experiences. VA:Pr6.1.8
  FA.8A.2.4 Collaboratively prepare and present selected theme-based artwork for display (e.g. Dot Day Installation). VA:Pr4.1.8
  FA.8A.2.5 Collaboratively develop meaningful interpretations of artwork that are supported by evidence. VA:Re8.1.8
  FA.8A.2.6 Create a convincing and logical argument to support an evaluation of art. VA:Re9.2.8
  FA.8A.2.7 Compare and contrast contexts and media in which viewers encounter images that influence ideas, emotions, and actions. VA:Re7.2.8

Academic Vocabulary: examine, evaluate, present

Content Vocabulary: installation, presentation