Art Curriculum

6th Grade

Course Purpose:

Students will apply the elements of art and principles of design when creating with a variety of mediums, as well as analyze historical works of art for themes.

Outcomes and Components:

 FA.6A.2 Students will construct, critique, and present artwork, along with an artist statement.




Component Code



  FA.6A.2.1 Critique personal artwork using art vocabulary.  
  FA.6A.2.2 Critique artwork made by peers using art vocabulary.  
  FA.6A.2.3 Reflect on whether personal artwork conveys the intended meaning and revise accordingly. VA:Cr3.1.6
  FA.6A.2.4 Construct an artist statement that explains the creative process and revision process; and evaluates the uses of the elements of art and principles of design. VA:Re9.2.6

Academic Vocabulary:  construct, critique, present

Content Vocabulary: artist statement