6:290 Instruction-Homework


Homework is part of the District’s instructional program and has the overarching goal of increasing student achievement. Homework is assigned to further a student’s educational development and is an application or adaptation of a classroom experience. The Superintendent shall provide guidance to ensure that homework:

1.       Is used to reinforce and apply previously covered concepts, principles, and skills;

2.       Is not assigned for disciplinary purposes;

3.       Serves as a communication link between the school and parents/guardians;

4.       Encourages independent thought, self-direction, and self-discipline; and

5.       Is of appropriate frequency and length, and does not become excessive, according to the teacher’s best professional judgment.

Missed Homework

Students absent for a valid cause may make up missed homework in a reasonable timeframe per policy 7:70, Attendance and Truancy.

CROSS REF.:         7:70 (Attendance and Truancy)

Last PRESS Update: May 2022

First Read: October 12, 2022

Adopted: November 9, 2022