5:300 Educational Support Personnel-Schedules and Employment Year
The Superintendent shall supervise a process for setting work schedules and an employment year for educational support employees in accordance with State and federal law, School Board policy, and applicable agreements and shall:
1. Assign each employee one supervisor who will establish a work schedule, including breaks, as required by building or District needs, workload, and the efficient management of human resources;
2. Allow for the ability to respond to changing circumstances by altering work schedules as needed; and
3. Consider the well-being of the employee. The Superintendent’s approval is required to establish a flexible work schedule or job-sharing.
An employee who works at least 7.5 continuous hours shall receive a 30-minute duty-free meal break that begins within the first five hours of the employee’s workday. The District accommodates employees who are nursing mothers according to State and federal law.
LEGAL REF.: 29 U.S.C. §§207 and 218d, Fair Labor Standards Act.
105 ILCS 5/10-20.14a, 5/10-22.34, and 5/10-23.5.
740 ILCS 137/, Right to Breastfeed Act.
820 ILCS 105/, Minimum Wage Law.
820 ILCS 260/, Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Act.
CROSS REF.: 5:10 (Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment), 5:35 (Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act)
Last PRESS Update: March 2024
First Read: May 8, 2024
Adopted: June 12, 2024